FDTech with CADA at ITS World Congress
CADA shows competences of the technology location at the ITS World Congress in Hamburg. From 11 to 15 October, the world's largest conference on Intelligent Transport Systems took place in Hamburg at various locations. Every three years, the ITS World Congress is held in Europe. In between, cities on the American continent and in Asia host the annual event.
The Hamburg edition was a special event! More than 13 thousand participants from 66 countries met in Hamburg to exchange views on the latest trends in the mobility of the future. We are very grateful to have been there! It was great to meet colleagues from the field of autonomous driving development in person at the ITS World Congress again after a long time.
Many thanks to ERTICO - ITS Europe for hosting the event and their excellent organisation.
In particular, we have to thank SAENA, the Saxon Energy Agency and GTAI, the Germany Trade and Invest - Gesellschaft for the invitation to support their on-site presence with our CADA network as co-hosts. With our partners in the CADA network, we were once again able to demonstrate the competencies of Saxony as a technology location, especially in the field of autonomous driving.
The event once again made it clear that partnerships are the most important driver for developments in the field of Intelligent Transport Systems and Autonomous Driving.