FDTech had the pleasure of receiving a distinguished visitor: Martin Dulig

On June 15th we got the pleasure to receive a visit of the Minister of State for Economy, Labor and Transport of the Free State of Saxony, Martin Dulig.
Martin Dulig and his colleagues visited us as part of the theme day "When everyone wins - international skilled workers and labor for Saxony".
We are very pleased to have been selected alongside three other companies to share our experiences and concerns. The topic is close to our hearts, as we firmly believe that working in international teams is an enrichment for all involved and offers an important as well as creative development potential.
After our CEO Karsten Schulze briefly introduced our work, four internationals from the FDTech team spoke about their own experiences. Aditya Deshpande, Salma Binsilm, Ary Nervis Frigeri and Saba Abdollahi described the challenges they had to overcome to find their way in Germany and especially in working life. They told Martin Dulig and his colleagues what went well and where problems arose. They then made suggestions as to which bureaucratic hurdles they felt should be changed and, if necessary, lowered.
We thank our four colleagues for sharing their personal experiences with us.

State parliament president Alexander Dierks as a guest at FDTech

Awarded the SCHULEWIRTSCHAFT Deutschland 2024 prize in Berlin