We are part of the "Business meets school" project

Since September of this year, we have been involved in the "Business meets school" project at Johann-Wolfgang-von-Goethe-Gymnasium, an initiative of the Stadt Chemnitz.
Karsten Schulze, Managing Director of FDTech GmbH, says: "We are also fulfilling our social responsibility with this school commitment. Although we don't want to and can't be a mere stopgap for the widespread loss of teaching, the pupils are close to our hearts. We enable at least some of the pupils to receive an adequate basic technical education within the scope of our human resources."
Every week, on Wednesdays and Thursdays, we organize the technical profile lessons for the 8th and 9th grades according to a three-stage concept. Silvio Woltmann, one of our founders and training manager at FDTech, and Tim Endmann, our BA student for Computer Engineering, give pupils practical insights into the world of technology.
Silvio Woltmann says about this commitment with a role model effect: "We make an offer, regardless of the pupils' previous orientations or orientations/interests, in order to be able to make a more conscious decision for a later desire to train/study".
Using notebooks and material boxes from "ARDUINO", pupils learn the basics of voltage and current and are introduced to programming the board with accompanying technical expertise.
The pupils reward this effort with a high level of motivation, discipline and thirst for knowledge. They appreciate the practical application and hands-on learning, as they see this type of profile teaching as a welcome change from the otherwise theory-heavy school day.

State parliament president Alexander Dierks as a guest at FDTech

Awarded the SCHULEWIRTSCHAFT Deutschland 2024 prize in Berlin