You learn by teaching

“You learn by teaching.” A guest of a teacher who is not a teacher. A quote from the Roman philosopher Seneca is the title of the ARD Tagesthemen program mittendrin.
Last week, Marie Landes and a film crew from ARD visited the Johann-Wolfgang-von-Goethe-Gymnasium in Chemnitz and also our FDTech GmbH site in Chemnitz to spend a day with Silvio, our co-founder and Head of Training, and his commitment to education. The Saxon pilot project “Wirtschaft trifft Schule” (Business Meets Schools) of the City of Chemnitz, Business Division, has now even made it into the daily news, as the shortage of teachers is omnipresent and the search for solutions is occupying the entire country. In Freistaat Sachsen alone, there is currently a shortage of over 1,000 teachers. That is why our commitment will continue in the coming school year. We always hope that many more companies will follow this project and offer their students interesting opportunities to impart knowledge that will later help them choose a career or degree course. Karsten categorized our commitment to education as a necessary investment in the future of companies.
Under the following link, you can watch the ARD report:

State parliament president Alexander Dierks as a guest at FDTech

Awarded the SCHULEWIRTSCHAFT Deutschland 2024 prize in Berlin