FDTech Meets with ASG Schools to Discuss Collaboration and Integration

Last week we met again with the responsible persons of the ASG schools in Annaberg Buchholz. This time our meeting took place in the beautiful coffee house of the bakery/pastry shop Lutz Roscher.
Once again, the founder and Managing Director of Bildungs-Holding, Elmar Süß, took the opportunity to attend the meeting in Annaberg Buchholz in person.
Among other things, Marcus, Xuli Chen, Le Liu, Le Tai, Silvio , Felicia, Emilia Seydel, Igor Zimmermann, Cathleen Dietzsch and Daily spoke about the lengthy visa processes that often require a great deal of effort to coordinate when pupils and students from China want to enter Germany.
We also discussed the motivation and integration of young people into our culture. We are excited to see how our collaboration will develop in the future.

State parliament president Alexander Dierks as a guest at FDTech
Alexander Dierks, President of the Saxon State Parliament since October 2024, visited us recently. As a Chemnitz Member of Parliament, he regularly engages with local companies to stay informed. We were pleased to share insights into our work.
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Awarded the SCHULEWIRTSCHAFT Deutschland 2024 prize in Berlin
Cooperation in science profile lessons honored: On Tuesday, we and the J.-W.-v.-Goethe Gymnasium Chemnitz received the nationwide SCHULEWIRTSCHAFT award in the category “Making commitment visible.”
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An Inspiring Visit to Bishkek
Our CEO, Karsten, attended an international tech event in Kyrgyzstan on October 23rd, showcasing how AI and autonomous driving could transform mobility across Central Asia.
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